Tuesday, December 20, 2022

2022 Holiday Greetings

To paraphrase one of my favorite Simon & Garfunkel tunes, it's all happening at Hudson Yards this holiday season even though Andy Warhol made a welcome comeback at Tiffany's.  Sure, the big stores have pulled out the stops (and Elton John at Saks Fifth Avenue) but most of their windows are non-traditional and nearly every other retailer--including luxury brands--kept their decorations simple.  

Not Hudson Yards, though.  Lights, stores and customers galore now that the covid grinch killed Nieman Marcus at this luxury mall on Manhattan's far west side.  

Tiffany & Co.

More Big Stores


More Brands

Madison Avenue

More Critters

Madison Avenue

More Food & Drink

Saks Fifth Avenue

More Hanukkah

Bergdorf Goodman

More Mannequins

Peninsula Hotel, Fifth Avenue

More Outdoors

Macy's, Herald Square

More Santa & Their Reindeer

JBL, Soho

More Snowpeople

The Oculus

More This & That

Hudson Yards
West 55th Street

More Trees & Wreaths

Lower East Side

More WTF?

Happy New Year!

More Brands
More Mannequins

Happy New Year!


Looks like Santa Cyclops.

Curious minds are asking luxury brands:  Is it OK for black mannequins to have Caucasian features (Vilebrequin)?

And is it OK to use white mannequins to depict people of color (Louis Vuitton)?

All righty then!

Believe it or not, it's a tree!

Trees & Wreaths